Image Manager
The slick and modern looking image manager is flexible, fast and rich in features. Each registered user will have their own image manager.
- Reservo Theme:
- Popup uploader built into the image manager.
- Background image uploading - You can minimise the uploader popup during uploads to allow you to continue using the image manager. All uploads are processed in the background.
- Built with Bootstrap v3.
- Edit image details ajax popup.
- Add/Edit album ajax popup.
- The account settings page shows overall stats such as available storage, used storage, total downloads and active images.
- The account notification widget shows alerts to users. These can be for example offers and premium expiry.
- You can single click on download links to highlight & copy.
- Optional list view column headers showing total downloads.
- Users can upload their own avatar to appear in the image manager.
- You can download all images found within a album of the image manager as a zip archive.
- The image manager contains keyboard shortcut keys allowing users to delete images quickly.
- Fast icon based ajax interface.
- Multi-level albums.
- Album private or public options.
- Images security through setting password protected albums.
- Ajax popup on each individual image enabling quick access to image information.
- You upload directly to a album.
- You can filter the images by name, uploaded date & by options.
- You can hold the Ctrl key and click multiple select to copy & paste links, forum bbcode or html code at the same time.
- All deleted images are put into a trash can. You can then empty the trash can to persmanently remove image stats & information.
- Select an image for a larger image preview.
You can view image manager in our demo site. Note: to login please use the details shown below.
- Username: admin
- Password: password
Reservo is everything you need to run an awesome image site!
What are you waiting for? Try out the live demo now.