Lets start by creating a backup of your SQL database.
Go to your database & click on the export tab then click "Go" to backup your SQL file.
Either download a copy of your current installation, or backup your site via your hosting control panel.
Save these is a secure place.
Login to your Reservo account and download the latest version.
Extract the new version of Reservo.
Upload all files except the "install" folder & "_config.inc.php" to your site via an FTP client such as FileZilla.
Any custom modifications you've made to the script are wiped during this process.
To update your database load phpMyAdmin and click on the "Import" tab.
Click on "Choose File" and load the required SQL file found in "/install/" > "Resources" > "upgrade_sql_statements" and select the latest file.
Click "Go".
You have now successfully updated your site!